
Abstract submission ending soon!

We'd like to remind you that the abstract submission form is open till April 30th!


The abstract should concisely state the purpose of the investigation and summarize the important conclusions. It should be a single paragraph, of generally no more than 250 words, without any subheadings or abbreviations in the text, written in clear and concise English. Include the title and up to 6 key words as well as full names of all the authors in the abstract. 
After the submission form closes, the Scientific Committee will have a month to review your abstracts and decide whether your work will be presented as a poster or oral presentation. You will be informed of this decision in June.

To check the more detailed guidelines and submission form follow the link.


Don't forget to submit your abstracts before the deadline! :)

NIP and Regon

NIP 896-000-53-54

REGON 000001867
EORI PL896000535400000


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Kożuchowska 7 st.

51-631 Wrocław, Poland


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Projekt dofinansowany ze środków budżetu państwa, przyznanych przez Ministra Nauki  w ramach programu „Doskonała Nauka II”

Project co-financed from the state budget funds granted by the Minister of Science as part of the "Doskonała Nauka II" programme