The early birds registration is ending on March 31st!
Afterwards the prices for registering to 30th Genetic Days and Genetic Departments Convention will be changing, and so might the availability of rooms in the hotels. While registering to our conferece, remember that you have the option to choose a room in one of the three hotels located on the Książ Castle grounds. If you have any special needs, including dietary restrictions or health concerns, please let us know about them in the registration form. There is a segment dedicated to special needs of our guests.
If you want to make sure you have all the accomodations you want, hurry up!
NIP 896-000-53-54
REGON 000001867
EORI PL896000535400000
Kożuchowska 7 st.
51-631 Wrocław, Poland
Contact form
Projekt dofinansowany ze środków budżetu państwa, przyznanych przez Ministra Nauki w ramach programu „Doskonała Nauka II”
Project co-financed from the state budget funds granted by the Minister of Science as part of the "Doskonała Nauka II" programme