
Welcome to 30th Genetic Days!

Dear viewers,

welcome to the official 30th Genetic Days website, here you'll find all information about the upcoming conference, contact details to our Committees and instruction on registering and submitting your work to our conference. Please take a moment to look through our website and get familiar with all the attrations we're preparing for You - our dear guests and conference participants :)

In the guests tab you can look at the speakers who have confirmed to attend our conference - keep an eye on this one as it's constantly growing with new researchers coming to visit us!
The important dates are something every conference participant needs to know - here you will find the deadlines for registering and submitting your abstract.
If you'd want to know more about registration process and how to properly format and submit your abstract, please follow the links. In cooperation with Animal Science Papers and Reports we have prepared a special offer for the participants of 30th Genetic Days. Look here for more information!
The conference agenda is the place to look at if you want to see what kind of presentations and lectures you can expects to listen to at our conference.

30th Genetic Days are taking place in the beautiful Książ Castle, located in Wałbrzych, Poland. We encourage you to take a closer look at this breathtaking location as it will not only host the conference itself, but many of our accompanying events as well.

NIP and Regon

NIP 896-000-53-54

REGON 000001867
EORI PL896000535400000


Contact information

Kożuchowska 7 st.

51-631 Wrocław, Poland


Contact form

Projekt dofinansowany ze środków budżetu państwa, przyznanych przez Ministra Nauki  w ramach programu „Doskonała Nauka II”

Project co-financed from the state budget funds granted by the Minister of Science as part of the "Doskonała Nauka II" programme